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Pulpit rock

Wednesday 16 February 2011

* About Soul - Six Sense's

Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition (Plus)
Soul: Soul is a Universal un visible energetic air(Supreme air) body.
Whenever this body (soul) is comes to earth, before it searches new body(full formed shape : completion of duration) .
After soul enters into the body (the soul energy forms into breath) then breath starts.
At the time of death breath (very less air) destroys and the body releases soul.
Whenever body releases soul, it wants Supreme air for taking another body (new birth), otherwise no use.
Here Supreme air having sense that is called "Soul-Sense".
The Soul-Sense originates the breath in the body.
Six sense's
Universal sense/Nature sense( This is First Sense) : Read :: Second - Everything knows(How nature Starts) -
Seasonal changes(summer, wind, rain, winter) occur in nature by Universal Sense -
Soul-sense: It helps to originate the breath(some people have an idea about the previous births from this sense) -
Main sense: Every living thing thinks by this sense and understanding also -
Sub sense: This is originates/creates dreams from the thoughts, storage information ( Read : Where Dream world ) -
Unconsciousness sense: This sense is powerful and it originate at the time of meditation -
Sixth sense: This is just like a telepathy (you guess by experience, keen observation, concentration, moment of time on particular event).

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