Think for environmental change of the world with experience of future needs -
Right Time Search

Friday, 7 October 2011
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Think |
Thinking is endless journey still no one can get the final thought -
Every mind questioning to search something always on entire the life -
Life spends with search the thoughts to continuous thinking -
Which thought gives feel of endness to stop thinking -
Thought never makes mistake but sometimes behavior/attitude of the mind makes wrong -
Thoughts are different to get any way but mind analyze and understands the type of thought then it should know the quality of action -
Before applying a thought you should decide do or don’t, otherwise you don't know the quality of work -
The adjective of thought depends on the process of result –
Before going to work understand the intent of thought –
For applying any thought you should know that where it is applicable for best solutions/results with lot of experience –
You can consider a good thought whenever you have confidence and concentration of thinking analysis -
When you are working with the new project you should know the knowledge and experience through regular communication -
Thoughts are different to get any way but mind analyze and understands the type of thought then it should know the quality of action -
Before applying a thought you should decide do or don’t, otherwise you don't know the quality of work -
The adjective of thought depends on the process of result –
Before going to work understand the intent of thought –
For applying any thought you should know that where it is applicable for best solutions/results with lot of experience –
You can consider a good thought whenever you have confidence and concentration of thinking analysis -
When you are working with the new project you should know the knowledge and experience through regular communication -
Lets say welcome to the heart
Lets say welcome to the heart -
Its always beating entire the life -
If its stop beating, our life and love will also stop -
Heartbeat creates our lives in the world -
Share the life with a beautiful heart -
We can live lifelong if we have lovable heart -
Try to live healthy for a beating heart -
Life is always beating with the heart and sacrificing the beats for the life -
Its sharing all the feels with beating itself -
Most of the time enjoy with your heart to convince happiness -
happiness never comes without healthy heart -
Its always beating entire the life -
If its stop beating, our life and love will also stop -
Heartbeat creates our lives in the world -
Share the life with a beautiful heart -
We can live lifelong if we have lovable heart -
Try to live healthy for a beating heart -
Life is always beating with the heart and sacrificing the beats for the life -
Its sharing all the feels with beating itself -
Most of the time enjoy with your heart to convince happiness -
happiness never comes without healthy heart -
Philosophy is a great discussion to get the knowledge and taking right decision if any problems occur.
To take decisions for new problems you should cross the experience limits which we learn from the philosophy of life.
Discussion of philosophy is utilization of time to share the great thoughts from intelligent people.
Philosophy is a way of thinking to an ultimate level to cross limit and get the superior knowledge to innovate the ideas.
Everyone's philosophy is right sometimes, it can't be changed because everyone wants to achieve the great success individually in different ways.
Decision depends on the time of choosing the work and not only based on the experience of philosophy.
Philosophy is always innovative for getting new thoughts/ideas of experience in the future.
Without discussion no one knows the innovative thoughts of others and their great achievements achieved in short periods.
Philosophy gives more experience to learn from the history.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Government - Change the world as Dustless
I have Plan for creating Dustless World -
Entire world "Clean and Green" place -
Neat roads, streets, colleges, hospitals, gardens, grounds, electricy, water supply and drianages etc., -
No where garbage, dirt, mud, damages and pollution -
Who are all having money they are not getting my thoughts which is mentioned in "Uuniversal procedure"
Who are all not having money they get the Great thoughts -
Every problem which I am thinking have a lot of ways for final solution -
I think every problem is universal issue to find the final solution -
To provide drinking water fecilities for the entire world -
To provide the electricity for the entire world -
To setup a clean drainage system everywhere -
To setup Wide roads in the entire world -
These facilities are not only for government buildings and rich people, it should be to the entire world make it as same -
Knowledge is not a policy, construction of final solution is real achievement -
Real estate makes congested roads and improper constructions (commercial) -
Example for Dustless World : Infosys Campus
Example for Dustless World : Infosys Campus
Monday, 15 August 2011
There is no future plan to the Govt.
There is no future plan to the Govt.
In the Society there is no proper construction of anything –
In Society no proper roads drainages, drinking water, electricity lines and other –
My advice : Permanent Solution
Take one village space on the outskirts of High way roads -
Construct one side all Govt. Quarters and other side construct all Working areas –
Provide all facilities (food, accommodation, travel, education, sports, work and others) to the Quarters and Working areas –
Then shift one village people to the new Construction Quarters –
The old village make into modify with proper facilities then utilise to purposeful –
So one by one shifting to new quarters entire the world after that only maintenance is going –
Now a days the society is going with bad and un necessary construction things with temporary solutions –
(Every person born for settlement of his own life is not a knowledge and life)
After 1000 years also no settlement of middle class people –
No proper salary food sleep accommodation water facilities –
Every day struggling with normal resources –
Govt. Policies are nothing to helpful the society just time pass the life –
For any clarification please follow the blog :> Universal Procedure - Permanent Solution
Link :, 19 June 2011
Do not Construct Undergrounds
Do not Construct Undergrounds - Buildings, Companies
Construction of Undergrounds is a major issue of creating problems -
In future many problems occuring for construction of Undergrounds -
Cleaning of drainage channels are difficult to maintain -
From heavy rains and conjusted roads and builings of drainages are creating pollution to the Society -
This is my suggestion : For parking place also do not construct undergrounds -
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Do not Advertise on Bus-stop Boards
Do not Advertise on Bus-stop Boards -
People are facing many problems to identify the Bus-stop's -
Some people get down the buses at before or next stop's (some times) -
Bus-stop name's written in small letter at corner of the Board -
Even educated people also facing many problems to read the Bus-stop names (entire space advertise on board) -
Many people standing(rush) on buses then can't identify the Bus-stops -
This is my suggestion : can't advertise on Bus-stop boards -
In cities daily many new people are coming and leaving for different works -
Entire city daily so many people facing the addresses -
Friday, 13 May 2011
Bing Bing Bing - Rhyme (article)
Bing bing bing
Bing likes sing
Sing sing sing
Sing with bing
Bing sings as wing
Wing follows bing
Bing flows as ring
Ring sings bing
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Solution for Tsunami's - Japan
Solution for Tsunami's at Sea areas (Japan) -
Where ever seas are there just observe my solution -
In sea area cities, in middle or outside of the city or both just think -
In main places of the city just build the Titanic ship's -
When Tsunami comes that time all people gather in Titanic ships -
Whenever water level increases ships floating on water, it means people are safe -
If sometimes road are blocked by water then people can't reach the ships -
So this purpose constructing Fly-over Bridges in main routes to reach the ships -
If can't understand I have detailed explanation for Tsunami's solution -
One Ship capacity more than 5000 people then only major safe -
If possible, some floatable houses are constructs like ships (near sea shore) -
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Innovative changes in the Universe
Different persons think different astrology scenarios -
In future so many things will be happen according to their expectations -
Experiments and atmosphere conditions also changes compared to past -
Some people expect their views in future according to the understanding of Universal astrology -
Already some people give their predictions according to past Natural calamities -
Some places Natural calamities occur in different ways -
Any have we are trying to protect the life from Universal/Natural calamities -
In the Universal space different astrology is forming in future as innovative things -
Please take care from Natural calamities according to past experience and expectations -
Examples (Natural calamities) :
Earthquake Tsunami Cyclone Floods Dust-volcano Fire-volcano Heat (temperature) etc,.
Universal Changes in Space :
Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars are in different ways activating/affecting to the Earth.
Important things - links
Important links - What you want select for learning Subject or getting Information :
for java -
for Excel -
for Ms office Database Unix & Other -
for Ms offce :
for any -
for Kids videos :
for Sentence forming :
for Universal Spiritual Knowledge(telugu and english) :
for aptitude questions with answers :
for quizzes & other :
for java -
for Excel -
for Ms office Database Unix & Other -
for Ms offce :
for any -
for Kids videos :
for Sentence forming :
for Universal Spiritual Knowledge(telugu and english) :
for aptitude questions with answers :
for quizzes & other :
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Why Employee's Leaving the Companies -
Main Reasons:
Career - Qualification / Course (Skills) -
Career - Qualification / Course (Skills) -
Best company (MNC) -
Opportunities / Promotions -
Right position / right place (Native-local) / right time -
Trend - Future courses (Projects) -
Opportunities / Promotions -
Right position / right place (Native-local) / right time -
Trend - Future courses (Projects) -
* Package (Salary) - Present situations Rs.20,000/- is less salary -
If there is no increment (career/salary) / not right job (skill/placement) / not giving opportunity (same level) -
Parents are comparing the friends salaries of his son (if less why : try to more) -
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Telecom - Service Providers : SCAM
Service providers logical fraud happens daily in crore's -
The amount gets deducted in mobile phones every day -
Every day some mobile number will be chosen randomly and money will be deducted -
The service providers will activate to the Ringtones Songs Messages Alerts and other things for mobiles -
They saying to the mobile holders, you are activating the so and so Alerts that's why we deduct the amount everyday -
Every day one rupee was deducted from some lakh mobile phones because of Ringtone Songs Alerts Messages etc. -
It means without business easily get the profit with in lakh/crore -
For this case Telecom business people top ten billionaires position in the World -
We call and inform to the issues for service providers they replies like activate something by pressing one key word for ex: ' * ' -
For calling to any one we use the 10 digit number for activating the call, but these things just one character/symbol to make fraud easily -
For locking mobile with * character/symbol to open using this and activate the other things also same character/symbol -It means service providers easy to make fraud to press the character of this and that like meaningless -
For example:
The old people (illiterate : villagers) just receiving the calls and close after end of the call -
But they don't know if daily deduct the amount in there mobile's -
Because they are illiterate -
If any one for urgent call, calling his relatives through this mobile, amount is in minus balance -
Urgent calls : Health, Death time, accidents, firing, and so many lakh of sad situations -
If call to customer care they will receive the issues and stop the alerts and so and so -
But the deducting amount will not get the back ( that amount in service providers pockets ) -
After some days or weeks or months again repeat the same issue of deducting the amount -
For old people or villagers (illiterate) what they do the information about alerts of ramya pack, stock list, cricket score, and etc -
These are just for money not for use -
If people (business/entertainment) really wants just keep the 10 digit number to activate those facilities -
If provide the ' * ' single character still fraud is going up to this character using -
If the person changes to service providers again repeat the same procedure -
It is a bad issue of fraud going in Telecom department -
For Rs.10/- Recharge card just adding Rs.7/- only -
Some people don't know deductions of money in their mobile -
If balance is not there just recharge the amount -
If some people know the deductions but they don't know how to rectify -
Know some service providers customer care number is not free of cost (minimum charge) -
Live Example :
Happens to my Moile on 10th March, 2011 at 12:58 pm from Airtel Service Provider -
(before 2 days from my Uncle mobile on 8th March, 2011 deducted some amout of Rs./- ) -
( What a sad to really dead of fraud by instead of hardwork ) -
(My Number : 9741005713 - Karnataka : INDIA)
Just I pick the Call from Airtel ( 9008020617 : Don't pick/receive the call from this number ) -
After pick the call I got the message from 543211 -
Message 1 (543211): Thank you for choosing My Tune. You have been charged Rs.15 for 15 days. If you wish to stop My Tune call 54345808(free).
Sender 543211. Messange centre:+919845086010. Sent: 10-Mar-2011 12:42:59 -
-> My balance amount Rs.68.39 paise before it was Rs.83.39 paise -
-> (From one mobile Rs.15/- : per day one lakh mobiles Rs.15,00,000/- easily fraud) -
Message 2 (543211): You will now listen to Ganesh Hits whenever you make a call.
Your song has been changed absolutely fee. Sender 543211 -
Message centre: +919845086010 Sent.10-Mar-2011 12:43:14 -
* After that I call to 54345808 and unsubscribe the "My Tune" -
(from "My Tune" my tone is lost my mind is struk and that day is called "Sad Day for Universe"/"Major Scam Day") -
Message 3(543211): Your subscription to My Tunes service has been stopped. You will not listen to songs when you call anyone.
Call 543213 toll free and listen to full songs. Sender: 543211-
Message centre:+919845086010 Sent:10-Mar-2011 12:54:03
After I call to Customer care 121, they say only cricket alerts and balance check -
Not receiving the issues and no options for pressing numbers like 1 for this, 2 for this, 3 for this and so on (no number for issues ) -
Some lakh of illiterate people (poor of the poor/villagers/hard labour) loss the amount every day randomly -
Again happens in future : Take Care -
*** If we give the warning to the service providers through customer care, the don't feel again after some days they will do it like this frauds -
( they never forget because the major work/profit of sevice providers ) : Customers Please careful -
After wrote this blog I given a tip Rs.15/- for Service provider (Still I am not get back Rs.15/-) -
I hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief -
If any offers please sell the Recharge coupon's, don't cut/deduct the money -
If people really wants any offer they will call -
If any good offers just send short messages and make sure clearance with the SP shops (recharge card seller) -
* see the offer fraud -
Rs.75/- Recharge then get Rs.75/- Balance -
If a Person three or four times Recharge the amount Rs.75/- (3*75=225) -
After this recharge then starts after some days they will deduct the amount -
Deduct for unnecessary things like Caller tune activated, Ramya Pack, Cricket Score, Stock list, and so on -
For villagers poor of the poor old people they want any cricket score, stock list etc. no need -
*** I will say 100000 times don't deduct the amount for un necessary things because of stupid reasons like pressing of one char '*' -
If any activation less than 10 char/digit it is a major fraud/scam procedure -
Be a Professional by Professor not a Foolish by Fool -
*** Give best service to the people with respective of society -
The Great Pyramid Center : Karnataka
Maitreya Buddha Dhyana Vishwa Vidyalayam : Bangalore -
Founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies ( : Brahmarshi Subhash Patriji -
Free Meditation Coaching and Practice, Spiritual Science Research Center, Library -
Important Period : " Month : May " (Buddha Pournami Celebrations - Full Moon Day : Pournami) -
Every month " Full Moon Day " is most energy passes on the earth, for meditation this day is good for energy (enlightenment) -
Be with Breath always and continue the life with Breath by Meditation -
Pyramid Valley Bangalore Address :
Maitreya-Buddha Vishwalayam, Pyramid Valley, Kebbedoddi Village,-
Harohalli Hobli, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagar Dist. Karnataka -
Phone 080 32723143 -
From Banashankari to Kebbedoddi Village (30 Km): Bus No. 213v -
From Kebbedoddi to Pyramid Valley 1.5 Km -
(4 km before Harohalli towards Banashankari)
Route : Kanakapura road -
* One of the Bangalore 7 Wonders -
Founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies ( : Brahmarshi Subhash Patriji -
Free Meditation Coaching and Practice, Spiritual Science Research Center, Library -
Important Period : " Month : May " (Buddha Pournami Celebrations - Full Moon Day : Pournami) -
Every month " Full Moon Day " is most energy passes on the earth, for meditation this day is good for energy (enlightenment) -
Be with Breath always and continue the life with Breath by Meditation -
Pyramid Valley Bangalore Address :
Maitreya-Buddha Vishwalayam, Pyramid Valley, Kebbedoddi Village,-
Harohalli Hobli, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagar Dist. Karnataka -
Phone 080 32723143 -
From Banashankari to Kebbedoddi Village (30 Km): Bus No. 213v -
From Kebbedoddi to Pyramid Valley 1.5 Km -
(4 km before Harohalli towards Banashankari)
Route : Kanakapura road -
* One of the Bangalore 7 Wonders -
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
* Poor/Middle class people - SCAM
Poor/Middle class people only paying Money for all Taxes by Hard work -
Some of the people paying all Taxes by Black Money -
A poor person purchases everything by his hard work (not profit) -
A rich person purchases everything FREE because Black money is more -
For daily labor not having work in some season of days -
But rich person every day increases his black money -
(I am not talking about Right persons - every day the society is in loss by some major scams)
Poor people become poor of the poor (everything is lost and no monthly savings) -
The knowledge is going to make a fraud of 2G scam spectrums and CBI investigations -
Rich people become rich of the rich (just miscellaneous deduction from profit/scam) -
There is no clarification of CBI investigations -
Budget is going to Swiss bank and investigating every year in Swiss Bank -
For Budget of 2011 after one year no need to check the development just verify the Swiss
(Swiss opening balance and closing balance of the Indian people : Black money) -
Think about my "Universal Procedure" it will helps for future development -
Monday, 28 February 2011
* No need of seperate Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
* No need of separate Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana -
Just read "Universal Procedure" and think for Solution(development) -
Easy life and better future for people -
*** My Development Vision -
Universal Procedure : Government -
All Problems are solved by Universal Procedure -
Permanent Solution : Final Project -
Vision 2020 : India/World/Universe -
We want Universal Procedure -
One thought enough for all problems -
Great Plan for All Life's -
Don't see/ask the poor persons : Live with them -
(Then only you understand the basic problems)
See the News Channels and initiate to adopt the Universal Procedure -
* Universal Procedure - Government
When the Government adopts my Universal Procedure -
A well planned World with many changes of good construction in right way -
There is no money in the Country, only Governments have Money -
Money is there only for those who are going to other Countries -
After developing of other countries entire the world no need of money -
The Government gives/provides all services to people, people are just working up to their knowledge/skill -
The Government provides basic facilities (food, shelter, cloth etc) along with needful things -
This is just like a corporate company of well planned society of model village/town/city/state/country/world -
In this procedure no where available beggar, thief, un-authorized person (Because everyone should be recognized) -
All buildings are Government Quarters with all services in perfect locations -
Entire the Country everything is Government land (No assets having the Person) -
This Universal plan reduces many problems -
Problems like Traffic, pollution, corruption, oil, gas, high cost goods -
Ex: Now so many large goods(vehicles) occupy roads to make traffic and parking problems -
There would be no wastage of minerals and Natural resources -
Food, Journey, accommodation facilities throughout the country would be free -
Man is working for Government, the Government gives all services to people -
This final decision for whenever you want change city/world with planned this procedure is must -
* Government can't take initiative for final solution up to thousand's years no change for poor people -
This Universal procedure no change up to end of the universe (because final solution is like 2+2=4/2*2=4) -
Government policies are just temporary solutions but also not fulfil the actual things(beneficiary level) and who actually wants they don't get (misuse) -
Present policies up to thousand years not rectifying the problems : still beggars, thief, corruptors, poor persons continuing entire the universe -
These policies are regular activities to show the solutions for budget not for 100% satisfy people (poor) -
Development is there but no proper plan and not useful for middle class and poor -
There is no enough space to develop, not in right place, no longer use (these are just recycle not for permanent) -
Every person is identify with respective sector and role of work (even child) -
I have many Universal procedural plans to change the society/village (world) -
If one day delay, it takes so many days to change in future -
For Ex: planned world (Infosys and other companies) -
* Here so much of explanation is required -
*** This information pass to Government up to reaches and initiative to implement how to discuss with me and engineers -
Please every person should initiative for information pass to your friend's for success -
For better/easy life for all (enough population) -
I will give all the details and clear explanations for all doubts -
This idea goes to other countries, if they starts first implementation, the credit goes to them -
Advantages :
Free education, growth/career, knowledge, employment, skills development, vision of person/life -
For Ex: Entire the India gas is required 1 crore cylinders and 5 thousand employees -
After this plan 25 lakh cylinders and one thousand employees required (remaining 4 thousand people improve their own skills)-
The production of gas also less, it means save the natural resources and consumes many years of usage -
All types of natural resources like minerals, oil in the form electricity, gas, cement, wood, petrol, kerosene etc. -
All industries(Every industry is Govt. asset) should maintain proper production with Govt. control(account) and reduce the pollution, disease's -
Everything is in an account of Govt. records and should maintain all details of natural resources and other maintenance -
This is exchange of production/goods from one village to other (through country/world also up to save the nature) with need purpose -
*** Think for development by universal knowledge -
News on 8th Feb, 2011 - ISRO : Estimated loss is valued at Rs. 2 lakh crore, greater than the 2G scam (1.76 lakh crore) -
This amount is enough for changing the state/country/world -
Money is not a problem for my procedural development for initial stage -
Nature gives all but we working for modify the things and sharing the services for living -
One thought is enough for development of world for all problems (just understand yourself : the great job)-
For Example:
One village takes/requires development of worth Rs. 10 crore (5 Years) -
From Rs. 4 lakh crore how many villages will be developing (here I am not talking about other corruptors/corruption money) -
40,000 villages will be developing approximately, it means at least one/half State development worth -
Now we start the work, up to 5 years or 10 years entire the world development is done then after that only maintenance is going -
Here money is not a problem understanding of knowledge & ego -
Universal Procedure : Government -
All Problems are solved by Universal Procedure -
Permanent Solution : Final Project -
Vision 2020 : India/World/Universe -
We want Universal Procedure -
One thought enough for all problems -
Great Plan for All Life's -
Don't see/ask the poor persons : Live with them -
(Then only you understand the basic problems)
See the News Channels and initiate to adopt the Universal Procedure -
* Universal Procedure - Government
When the Government adopts my Universal Procedure -
A well planned World with many changes of good construction in right way -
There is no money in the Country, only Governments have Money -
Money is there only for those who are going to other Countries -
After developing of other countries entire the world no need of money -
The Government gives/provides all services to people, people are just working up to their knowledge/skill -
The Government provides basic facilities (food, shelter, cloth etc) along with needful things -
This is just like a corporate company of well planned society of model village/town/city/state/country/world -
In this procedure no where available beggar, thief, un-authorized person (Because everyone should be recognized) -
All buildings are Government Quarters with all services in perfect locations -
Entire the Country everything is Government land (No assets having the Person) -
This Universal plan reduces many problems -
Problems like Traffic, pollution, corruption, oil, gas, high cost goods -
Ex: Now so many large goods(vehicles) occupy roads to make traffic and parking problems -
There would be no wastage of minerals and Natural resources -
Food, Journey, accommodation facilities throughout the country would be free -
Man is working for Government, the Government gives all services to people -
This final decision for whenever you want change city/world with planned this procedure is must -
* Government can't take initiative for final solution up to thousand's years no change for poor people -
This Universal procedure no change up to end of the universe (because final solution is like 2+2=4/2*2=4) -
Government policies are just temporary solutions but also not fulfil the actual things(beneficiary level) and who actually wants they don't get (misuse) -
Present policies up to thousand years not rectifying the problems : still beggars, thief, corruptors, poor persons continuing entire the universe -
These policies are regular activities to show the solutions for budget not for 100% satisfy people (poor) -
Development is there but no proper plan and not useful for middle class and poor -
There is no enough space to develop, not in right place, no longer use (these are just recycle not for permanent) -
Every person is identify with respective sector and role of work (even child) -
I have many Universal procedural plans to change the society/village (world) -
If one day delay, it takes so many days to change in future -
For Ex: planned world (Infosys and other companies) -
* Here so much of explanation is required -
*** This information pass to Government up to reaches and initiative to implement how to discuss with me and engineers -
Please every person should initiative for information pass to your friend's for success -
For better/easy life for all (enough population) -
I will give all the details and clear explanations for all doubts -
This idea goes to other countries, if they starts first implementation, the credit goes to them -
Advantages :
Free education, growth/career, knowledge, employment, skills development, vision of person/life -
For Ex: Entire the India gas is required 1 crore cylinders and 5 thousand employees -
After this plan 25 lakh cylinders and one thousand employees required (remaining 4 thousand people improve their own skills)-
The production of gas also less, it means save the natural resources and consumes many years of usage -
All types of natural resources like minerals, oil in the form electricity, gas, cement, wood, petrol, kerosene etc. -
All industries(Every industry is Govt. asset) should maintain proper production with Govt. control(account) and reduce the pollution, disease's -
Everything is in an account of Govt. records and should maintain all details of natural resources and other maintenance -
This is exchange of production/goods from one village to other (through country/world also up to save the nature) with need purpose -
*** Think for development by universal knowledge -
News on 8th Feb, 2011 - ISRO : Estimated loss is valued at Rs. 2 lakh crore, greater than the 2G scam (1.76 lakh crore) -
This amount is enough for changing the state/country/world -
Money is not a problem for my procedural development for initial stage -
Nature gives all but we working for modify the things and sharing the services for living -
One thought is enough for development of world for all problems (just understand yourself : the great job)-
For Example:
One village takes/requires development of worth Rs. 10 crore (5 Years) -
From Rs. 4 lakh crore how many villages will be developing (here I am not talking about other corruptors/corruption money) -
40,000 villages will be developing approximately, it means at least one/half State development worth -
Now we start the work, up to 5 years or 10 years entire the world development is done then after that only maintenance is going -
Here money is not a problem understanding of knowledge & ego -
Friday, 25 February 2011
* Star is a formation of Ice
* Star is a formation of Ice ( I Think ) -
The purity of Ice rock (mass) having different colors and shining -
The Ice rock is hard/mass as well as density/humidity of space -
The mass volume of density/humidity space is called Star -
Different formation of Ice having different colors and shining -
According to space/area/size the stars having the brightness -
According to the atmosphere the stars blinks with different colors -
The atom of air particles in the humidity reflects the colors -
The purity of different air particles reflects/produces the different colors with shining -
The shade (purity of air/water atom) of atoms reflects to surrounding atoms -
In one Star so many millions of particles reflects different shade of colors -
The area of air (cool) humidity/density space is called Star -
The air is not flow just minute change (state) of particles with colors and shades -
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Study of the Universe
Study of the Universe is equals to the one cell of Mind -
Study of the Nature is equals to the one content of Cell -
Study of the Life(one) is equal to the one atom of Content -
Entire the Life you studying only one micro atom worth in the Universe -
Mind capacity is more but you can't store full of your Mind -
Whenever mind is full it can't thinks future, it means stops the functionality of Brain (death) -
You can't get a thought for functioning of Brain by Mind -
Brain thinks always future and capture the events along with life -
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
The journey of everyday
The journey of everyday is getting more knowledge from different events happens in the society -
The way of understanding the events/problems are getting the ideas with suitable solutions -
The way of solutions how to understand yourself and how to guide the society for major problems -
Give some plans to the Government and guide to right way for easy life in the Society -
What is state/position of Andhra Pradesh
What is state/position of Andhra Pradesh : Hyderabad -?
Every day problems facing the people in Hyderabad and also entire the state of Andhra Pradesh -
Many issues are going in the way of different origins to create traffic and other problems -
Who have money those life is going but poor people how to live without work -
So many 'Bandh/Strikes' are major issues to disturb the Society -
For all problems one solution is there according to 'My Development Vision 2020 : India' -
To initiate the * "Universal Procedure " to the entire state for removing all problems -
Every day problems facing the people in Hyderabad and also entire the state of Andhra Pradesh -
Many issues are going in the way of different origins to create traffic and other problems -
Who have money those life is going but poor people how to live without work -
So many 'Bandh/Strikes' are major issues to disturb the Society -
For all problems one solution is there according to 'My Development Vision 2020 : India' -
To initiate the * "Universal Procedure " to the entire state for removing all problems -
*** My Development Vision
*** My Development Vision
Universal Procedure : Government -
All Problems are solved by Universal Procedure -
Permanent Solution : Final Project -
Vision 2020 : India/World/Universe -
We want Universal Procedure -
One thought enough for all problems -
Great Plan for All Life's -
Don't see/ask the poor persons : Live with them -
(Then only you understand the basic problems)
See the News Channels and initiate to adopt the Universal Procedure -
* Universal Procedure - Government
When the Government adopts my Universal Procedure -
A well planned World with many changes of good construction in right way -
There is no money in the Country, only Governments have Money -
Money is there only for those who are going to other Countries -
After developing of other countries entire the world no need of money -
The Government gives/provides all services to people, people are just working up to their knowledge/skill -
The Government provides basic facilities (food, shelter, cloth etc) along with needful things -
This is just like a corporate company of well planned society of model village/town/city/state/country/world -
In this procedure no where available beggar, thief, un-authorized person (Because everyone should be recognized) -
All buildings are Government Quarters with all services in perfect locations -
Entire the Country everything is Government land (No assets having the Person) -
This Universal plan reduces many problems -
Problems like Traffic, pollution, corruption, oil, gas, high cost goods -
Ex: Now so many large goods(vehicles) occupy roads to make traffic and parking problems -
There would be no wastage of minerals and Natural resources -
Food, Journey, accommodation facilities throughout the country would be free -
Man is working for Government, the Government gives all services to people -
This final decision for whenever you want change city/world with planned this procedure is must -
* Government can't take initiative for final solution up to thousand's years no change for poor people -
This Universal procedure no change up to end of the universe (because final solution is like 2+2=4/2*2=4) -
Government policies are just temporary solutions but also not fulfil the actual things(beneficiary level) and who actually wants they don't get (misuse) -
Present policies up to thousand years not rectifying the problems : still beggars, thief, corruptors, poor persons continuing entire the universe -
These policies are regular activities to show the solutions for budget not for 100% satisfy people (poor) -
Development is there but no proper plan and not useful for middle class and poor -
There is no enough space to develop, not in right place, no longer use (these are just recycle not for permanent) -
Every person is identify with respective sector and role of work (even child) -
I have many Universal procedural plans to change the society/village (world) -
If one day delay, it takes so many days to change in future -
For Ex: planned world (Infosys and other companies) -
* Here so much of explanation is required -
*** This information pass to Government up to reaches and initiative to implement how to discuss with me and engineers -
Please every person should initiative for information pass to your friend's for success -
For better/easy life for all (enough population) -
I will give all the details and clear explanations for all doubts -
This idea goes to other countries, if they starts first implementation, the credit goes to them -
Advantages :
Free education, growth/career, knowledge, employment, skills development, vision of person/life -
For Ex: Entire the India gas is required 1 crore cylinders and 5 thousand employees -
After this plan 25 lakh cylinders and one thousand employees required (remaining 4 thousand people improve their own skills)-
The production of gas also less, it means save the natural resources and consumes many years of usage -
All types of natural resources like minerals, oil in the form electricity, gas, cement, wood, petrol, kerosene etc. -
All industries(Every industry is Govt. asset) should maintain proper production with Govt. control(account) and reduce the pollution, disease's -
Everything is in an account of Govt. records and should maintain all details of natural resources and other maintenance -
This is exchange of production/goods from one village to other (through country/world also up to save the nature) with need purpose -
*** Think for development by universal knowledge -
News on 8th Feb, 2011 - ISRO : Estimated loss is valued at Rs. 2 lakh crore, greater than the 2G scam (1.76 lakh crore) -
This amount is enough for changing the state/country/world -
Money is not a problem for my procedural development for initial stage -
Nature gives all but we working for modify the things and sharing the services for living -
One thought is enough for development of world for all problems (just understand yourself : the great job)-
For Example:
One village takes/requires development of worth Rs. 10 crore (5 Years) -
From Rs. 4 lakh crore how many villages will be developing (here I am not talking about other corruptors/corruption money) -
40,000 villages will be developing approximately, it means at least one/half State development worth -
Now we start the work, up to 5 years or 10 years entire the world development is done then after that only maintenance is going -
Here money is not a problem understanding of knowledge & ego -
All Problems are solved by Universal Procedure -
Permanent Solution : Final Project -
Vision 2020 : India/World/Universe -
We want Universal Procedure -
One thought enough for all problems -
Great Plan for All Life's -
Don't see/ask the poor persons : Live with them -
(Then only you understand the basic problems)
See the News Channels and initiate to adopt the Universal Procedure -
* Universal Procedure - Government
When the Government adopts my Universal Procedure -
A well planned World with many changes of good construction in right way -
There is no money in the Country, only Governments have Money -
Money is there only for those who are going to other Countries -
After developing of other countries entire the world no need of money -
The Government gives/provides all services to people, people are just working up to their knowledge/skill -
The Government provides basic facilities (food, shelter, cloth etc) along with needful things -
This is just like a corporate company of well planned society of model village/town/city/state/country/world -
In this procedure no where available beggar, thief, un-authorized person (Because everyone should be recognized) -
All buildings are Government Quarters with all services in perfect locations -
Entire the Country everything is Government land (No assets having the Person) -
This Universal plan reduces many problems -
Problems like Traffic, pollution, corruption, oil, gas, high cost goods -
Ex: Now so many large goods(vehicles) occupy roads to make traffic and parking problems -
There would be no wastage of minerals and Natural resources -
Food, Journey, accommodation facilities throughout the country would be free -
Man is working for Government, the Government gives all services to people -
This final decision for whenever you want change city/world with planned this procedure is must -
* Government can't take initiative for final solution up to thousand's years no change for poor people -
This Universal procedure no change up to end of the universe (because final solution is like 2+2=4/2*2=4) -
Government policies are just temporary solutions but also not fulfil the actual things(beneficiary level) and who actually wants they don't get (misuse) -
Present policies up to thousand years not rectifying the problems : still beggars, thief, corruptors, poor persons continuing entire the universe -
These policies are regular activities to show the solutions for budget not for 100% satisfy people (poor) -
Development is there but no proper plan and not useful for middle class and poor -
There is no enough space to develop, not in right place, no longer use (these are just recycle not for permanent) -
Every person is identify with respective sector and role of work (even child) -
I have many Universal procedural plans to change the society/village (world) -
If one day delay, it takes so many days to change in future -
For Ex: planned world (Infosys and other companies) -
* Here so much of explanation is required -
*** This information pass to Government up to reaches and initiative to implement how to discuss with me and engineers -
Please every person should initiative for information pass to your friend's for success -
For better/easy life for all (enough population) -
I will give all the details and clear explanations for all doubts -
This idea goes to other countries, if they starts first implementation, the credit goes to them -
Advantages :
Free education, growth/career, knowledge, employment, skills development, vision of person/life -
For Ex: Entire the India gas is required 1 crore cylinders and 5 thousand employees -
After this plan 25 lakh cylinders and one thousand employees required (remaining 4 thousand people improve their own skills)-
The production of gas also less, it means save the natural resources and consumes many years of usage -
All types of natural resources like minerals, oil in the form electricity, gas, cement, wood, petrol, kerosene etc. -
All industries(Every industry is Govt. asset) should maintain proper production with Govt. control(account) and reduce the pollution, disease's -
Everything is in an account of Govt. records and should maintain all details of natural resources and other maintenance -
This is exchange of production/goods from one village to other (through country/world also up to save the nature) with need purpose -
*** Think for development by universal knowledge -
News on 8th Feb, 2011 - ISRO : Estimated loss is valued at Rs. 2 lakh crore, greater than the 2G scam (1.76 lakh crore) -
This amount is enough for changing the state/country/world -
Money is not a problem for my procedural development for initial stage -
Nature gives all but we working for modify the things and sharing the services for living -
One thought is enough for development of world for all problems (just understand yourself : the great job)-
For Example:
One village takes/requires development of worth Rs. 10 crore (5 Years) -
From Rs. 4 lakh crore how many villages will be developing (here I am not talking about other corruptors/corruption money) -
40,000 villages will be developing approximately, it means at least one/half State development worth -
Now we start the work, up to 5 years or 10 years entire the world development is done then after that only maintenance is going -
Here money is not a problem understanding of knowledge & ego -
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Man is having a great
Man is having a great power of understanding thoughts -
The inner feel of body expressions converting into meaningful thoughts -
Thoughts for understanding one person to another person by proper language -
Whatever he thinks as make a thought was portrait in a language -
The language is to understand the all thoughts in a particular way of one person knowledge -
The understanding of all thoughts in knowledge way is called one specific language. According to this easily communicate one person to other -
In one language man understand the all thoughts with meaning and knowledge to get the ideas for different experiences in life -
You can get the knowledge by understanding of one language basically, then you can learn other languages -
According to understanding of thoughts and knowledge you identify the way of other specific languages by who speaks in which language -
Friday, 18 February 2011
* Expiry date of celebration day
It is good for health and also not affecting any diseases -
The goods are not wasted and nowhere to dump in the earth to make as pollution -
Food things and Medicine use in right time, if it is not sold please celebrate the day for using things in right time and also helpful to the people -
In this celebration, all goods are free of cost because the quality loss and the value of time period -
This is a good thought for use the need purpose of things and protect the nature by clean and green -
We can celebrate this day in some open spaces in the cities and towns for all gathering and easy communicated with proper plan -
Collect the goods before expiry dates and make proper day to celebrate according to the huge gather of goods -
Important thing is gathering the information from entire city to promote the goods for celebrating and plan a day -
If not possible to gathering the goods, individually donate for any related purpose-
For Ex: Medicine for Hospitals, Sweets for Schools, Fruits for animals, etc...! -
This celebration is celebrating not once in a year, if required (goods available) celebrate more than once in a year -
Don't forget this celebration because wastage of too much things of valuable goods of food and medicine -
I will give the Idea for all details of any problems and others according to "Permanent solution" -
Note: Take initiative to gather the information and goods for useful need and help -
"Make a Change otherwise Man facing the Death"
Note: Take initiative to gather the information and goods for useful need and help -
"Make a Change otherwise Man facing the Death"
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
East and West of the SUN
Every day Sun rises in the East and sets in the West -
At the time of Sun rises and Sun sets why Sun visible with a large image -
The grace of the Sun also same at the time of Sun rises and Sun sets -
Every day morning 5:30 am to 7:00 am and evening 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Sun visible with a large image and grace also same -
Morning 7:00 am to evening 5:30 pm Sun visible similar to Moon size and have more grace (We can't see directly) -
How the nature wake up in the morning by Sun rise and same/though as Sun set also (Increase and Decrease) -
I think in different ways :
1. "The East and West sides are near to the earth"(it means earth is like Ellipse) that's why sun visible like at the time of Sun rise and Sun set with large Image -
2. If East and West sides are not near but the "Sky is very near on both directions (East and West)" -
3. Otherwise "Sun is rotating(axis) near on both sides(East and West)" at the time of Sun rise and Sun set -
Note : The rotation(altitude) of the Sun point/position/location is also changes on every day as same -
* Infosys - NRN Murthy
A person got an great idea to implement innovative thoughts -
He started with small stuff and did hard work continuously -
He is doing so many projects to implement his ideas and worth by patience -
He is always positive and progressive in daily life and towards work also -
He never stops until achieving great success to get recognition globally - He faces so many problems and converts them to achievements with his communication skills -
First he wins in the flat world, then now he runs in any undulations of universal standards -
He started a company in a small area with single digit number of employees -
Now he gives more employment with large area throughout the world and also fecilitate the training to all -
Within short time he achieved great success and now he is one of the leading personalities of the world -
In the world so many great/leading people are there, but he is one of the best -
He used "Information in Systematic way" that is called "Infosys" by NRN Murthy -
An electrical engineer from India, had great ideas to implement innovative thoughts -
He started a small company with a very small investment and did a lot of hard work -
He has been implementing his ideas by being inquisitive and articulate -
He believed "Engineering isn't theory but application of the theory to solve problems and make a difference to society" -
He strives constantly for global recognition with in short time -
With his ability to convert obstacles to opportunities, he has emerged the most admired business leader of India -
His company now gives employment to over a lakh professionals with excellent training facilities -
Today his company is one among the top IT companies in India -
Within a short time he achieved great success and now he is one of the leading personalities of the world -
In the world so many great/leading people are there, but he is one of the best -
He runs in any undulations of universal standards and has won in the flat world -
He used "Information in Systematic way" that is called "Infosys" by NRN Murthy -
N. R. Narayana Murthy is the Founder-Chairman of Infosys Technologies Limited. He founded Infosys in 1981. Under his leadership, Infosys was listed on NASDAQ in 1999 -
Mr. Murthy articulated, designed and implemented the Global Delivery Model which has become the foundation for the huge success in IT services outsourcing from India. He has led key corporate governance initiatives in India. He is an IT advisor to several Asian countries -
* Yahoo!
A man who seeks freedom and success by Hardwork -
Success finally gives a great word "YAHOO!" -
There is nothing beyond this word, neither bad nor good -
The person has reached the universal peak -
He sees the entire world in that word through the net -
It takes you to an endless journey of business -
So many people travelling along with the journey of Yahoo! -
Anyhow some people finally got into Yahoo! -
In nature, on the mountain top you say Yahoo! loudly, it replies same to your ear -
Also the breath of inhale is "yaa…" and releasing is "hoo…" like yahoo...! -Anyhow end of a project or any happy situation, everyone says Yahoooooo..! -
If your mind can't handle any task, just say Yahoo! (openly), it gives few seconds of relief -
The relief gives activeness to thoughts and get the ideas to the project or any work with success as like "Yahoo!" -
The intent of word power, Yahoo! still increases by "Jerry Yang's" worth -
Yahoo! started off as a web portal with a web directory providing an extensive range of products and services for online activities -
It is now one of the leading internet brands and has the most trafficked network on the internet -
On November 17, 2008, The Wall Street Journal reported that Jerry Yang would step down as CEO as soon as the company found a replacement -
Bill Gates - Microsoft
Bill Gates developed OS for a system/computer -
The systems/computers are opened by 'Windows OS' -
He don't know how many systems are using Windows OS in the entire World -
He don't know how many systems are using Windows OS in the entire World -
But for all the Systems(opened by OS) 'Windows OS' is only one of the Gate's -
Entire the world Bill Gates is so popular by Windows OS -
Without Windows operating system(OS) we can't handle/run the system -
* He observes very soft and also thinks micro talented ie Microsoft -
He will give the Windows product as easy way to understand the Users and also running a Systems/Computer -
Entire the world Bill Gates is so popular by Windows OS -
Without Windows operating system(OS) we can't handle/run the system -
* He observes very soft and also thinks micro talented ie Microsoft -
He will give the Windows product as easy way to understand the Users and also running a Systems/Computer -
Microsoft software’s are mega sales always in the World -
He is having millions of dollars and also throughout the world Windows OS runs in millions of systems -
Some people working in Microsoft company, they feel as great -
He is having millions of dollars and also throughout the world Windows OS runs in millions of systems -
Some people working in Microsoft company, they feel as great -
Any have I always congrats to Bill Gates for any new product of Microsoft -
Password Brain - Very Secret
Password Brain - very Secret and also Personal
Every day you should start work by a Password in the Company
If you forgot the Password you unable to work
If you want to do the work and you need to create another Password by authorized person -
If you say anything to any person even secrets also but you should not say the "Particular Password" -
Now a day’s Educated person or Employee by using a Password to get money in ATM's (A/C Holder) -
In company's without Password no one can open the system/computer even unauthorized person also -
If a person forgot the Password or change the Password he never login into the system -
The Programmers / testers can use the Passwords to check weather the applications are running without any bugs -
until without any bugs they using so many passwords as well as user id's for filling the fields data -
Some Programmers / testers are applied more than thousand different Passwords in different applications -
Some employees are login into different blogs games and social network sites by Passwords -
Different Bank Passwords, Entertainment site Passwords(SN), Office work Passwords and so many Passwords are in the Mind -
How to manage a person to remember all Passwords (Important : Passwords never written any where only in mind) -
Don't login into unnecessary sites because in future your memory loss by many Passwords to recollect (if chance in future password virus disease) –
If a person forgot the Password or change the Password he never login into the system -
The Programmers / testers can use the Passwords to check weather the applications are running without any bugs -
until without any bugs they using so many passwords as well as user id's for filling the fields data -
Some Programmers / testers are applied more than thousand different Passwords in different applications -
Some employees are login into different blogs games and social network sites by Passwords -
Different Bank Passwords, Entertainment site Passwords(SN), Office work Passwords and so many Passwords are in the Mind -
How to manage a person to remember all Passwords (Important : Passwords never written any where only in mind) -
Don't login into unnecessary sites because in future your memory loss by many Passwords to recollect (if chance in future password virus disease) –
A chance to get in future like password virus diseases –
You can understand / learn anything as easy by terminology -
You learn terminology then you can survive the entire world easily -
Just you know the basics and the way / representation of the terminology -
You can go any field everything(basics) is same but the terminology will differ -
basics are numbers, alphabets, arithmetic / logical / relationship symbols, and so on.
Other basics : way of writing(Written), reading vocabulary (Oral) in different ways -
Different ways it means different areas : communication, society, Industries, Services, Technology, BPO etc., -
Education is the basic thing of general knowledge as well as to know the subject / skill and also communication -
You can understand the terminology, you learn any subject easily and also score -
Every field having the same basics and they modify similar changes for every one should feel good and easy -
The man can understand polite and with in the time should notice as simple as possible -
In Software Technology the code is written by terminology of machine understandable and also some concepts, procedures, methods, functions, relationships so on -
In Computer / Notepad / Mobile the tools are different to organize the business and also personal by terminology -
In working area the words are using either work or person to communicate do not feel as disability, It should be generic -
The mails also simple and short forms also generic meaning -
The way using the knowledge in any way, the terminology says it should be polite always to all (no one can point out) -
Terminology means everyone should obey and polite (It should be meaningful) -
The behaviour terminology is very important -
In entire World - English
In entire World, the importance of English(language) is increased day by day -
In all countries English is more for education and communication -
In communication channels (media) so many are in to English (prefer) -
In entire world, many people speak English -
Any information that has been revealed in English via Technology, spreads faster.
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